Week 6 After Class Reflection

We discussed communicative relativity in class, which means there are different ways to communicate. People tend to think differently when people speak in different languages.During the reading, the reader mentioned that multilinguals have different ways of speaking different languages. As a multilingual speaker of Korean and English, I tend to talk more aggressively in Korean than I do in English, simply due to cultural differences. Generally, Koreans tend to express their ideas in a more explicit manner than Americans, who tend to put a greater emphasis on individualism. The reason for this is that every culture has an individual background and way of expressing ideas. It happens a lot that each language articulates differently even when they use the same words or sentences.

After Class Reflection (revised)

When discussing the readings and talking with the pear in class, I realized just how important ‘perspective’ is. Most people think from their own perspectives a lot and don’t think from another’s perspective. I realized how important it is to be transparent with one another and how vital communication is from the role examples we were given in class. As we discussed examples in class, I realized that transparency can be achieved not only verbally, but also in action. Actions can influence communication, just as verbal errors can influence it. Additionally, different cultures have different perspectives on how they perceive things. Furthermore, I realized how important it can be to be open minded when talking with people from different cultures. The most concrete example I can think of is that I used to not understand when people wore shoes inside their house because I grew up in South Korea. Attempting to have an open mind and understand the culture made me a more understanding person and more accepting of the new culture.

Cultural Reflection

​​Since I have lived in two countries for a substantial amount of time, I believe that I have a strong understanding of both cultures. I learned that people from similar cultures tend to have a deeper understanding of one another. It is easier for them to sympathize with each other and they have more subjects to discuss. Having grown up in the States for the past few years, people don’t really understand some of the things I do when I return home to Korea. People in the states are also surprised by the culture in Korea when I tell them about the culture there. It is easier to make a circle of people if you understand the culture. I found the concept of Intercultural Praxis to be extremely eye opening. The goal of the praxis is to assist people in understanding intercultural relationships. The first thing I’d like to talk about is dialogue. We can better understand cultures by dialogue because it fosters the emergence of opinions for each culture. The purpose of reflection is to observe the exchange you had and reflect how you differed from others with different cultures. The action is another important factor in understanding intercultural cultural understanding. It makes a big difference when you combine cultural understanding with responsible action. Compassionate action creates a peaceful world and a more culturally understanding world. Intercultural praxis may help you learn new perspectives of other cultures, but it still comes with challenges. Our cultures are all different with different dialects, so sometimes things might sound strange and sometimes we can’t comprehend. With that being said, praxis could assist you in understanding different cultures in different ways.
